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 陕西省西安市雁塔区雁翔路97号 710061


王启元,男,1985年生,博士,副研究员,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,中国颗粒学会青年理事会理事。2014年毕业于西安交通大学,获工学博士学位,2015年在美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)做短期访问学者,20175月中国科学院地球环境研究所博士后出站。目前主要从事大气碳气溶胶化学与光学研究,尤其是针对不同排放源及环境大气中黑碳、棕碳气溶胶理化特征及其对气候效应影响的研究。曾获陕西省青年科技新星、陕西省科学院科学技术一等奖(排名第四)。目前已发表SCI论文70余篇,包括在Atmos. Chem.Phys.Envrion. Sci. Technol.Geophys. Res. Lett.等国际刊物上发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文20余篇。






Wang, Q., Han, Y., Ye, J., Liu, S., Pongpiachan, S., Zhang, N., Han, Y., Tian, J., Wu, C., Long, X., Zhang, Q., Zhang, W., Zhao, Z., and Cao, J.: High Contribution of Secondary Brown Carbon to Aerosol Light Absorption in the Southeastern Margin of Tibetan Plateau, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 4962-4970, 2019.

Wang, Q., Liu, S., Li, N., Dai, W., Wu, Y., Tian, J., Zhou, Y., Wang, M., Ho, S. S. H., Chen, Y., Zhang, R., Zhao, S., Zhu, C., Han, Y., Tie, X., and Cao, J.: Impacts of short-term mitigation measures on PM2.5 and radiative effects: a case study at a regional background site near Beijing, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 1881-1899, 2019.

Wang, Q., Ye, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, T., Ran, W., Wu, Y., Tian, J., Li, L., Zhou, Y., Ho, S. S. H., Dang, B., Zhang, Q., Zhang, R., Chen, Y., Zhu, C., and Cao, J.-j.: Wintertime Optical Properties of Primary and Secondary Brown Carbon at a Regional Site in the North China Plain, Environmental Science & Technology, 10.1021/acs.est.9b03406, 2019.

Wang, Q., Cao, J., Han, Y., Tian, J., Zhang, Y., Pongpiachan, S., Zhang, Y., Li, L., Niu, X., Shen, Z., Zhao, Z., Tipmanee, D., Bunsomboonsakul, S., Chen, Y., and Sun, J.: Enhanced light absorption due to the mixing state of black carbon in fresh biomass burning emissions, Atmospheric Environment, 180, 184-191, 2018.

Wang, Q., Cao, J., Han, Y., Tian, J., Zhu, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, N., Shen, Z., Ni, H., Zhao, S., and Wu, J.: Sources and physicochemical characteristics of black carbon aerosol from the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: internal mixing enhances light absorption, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4639-4656, 2018.

Wang, Q., Huang, R., Zhao, Z., Cao, J., Ni, H., Tie, X., Zhu, C., Shen, Z., Wang, M., Dai, W., Han, Y., Zhang, N., and Prév?t, A. S. H.: Effects of photochemical oxidation on the mixing state and light absorption of black carbon in the urban atmosphere of China, Environmental Research Letters, 12, 044012, 10.1088/1748-9326/aa64ea, 2017.

Li, L., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, X., She, Y., Zhou, J., Chen, Y., Wang, P., Liu, S., Zhang, T., Dai, W., Han, Y., and Cao, J.*: Characteristics of single atmospheric particles in a heavily polluted urban area of China: size distributions and mixing states, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 11730-11742, 2019.

Tian, J., Wang, Q.*, Ni, H., Wang, M., Zhou, Y., Han, Y., Shen, Z.*, Pongpiachan, S., Zhang, N., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Long, X., and Cao, J.*: Emission Characteristics of Primary Brown Carbon Absorption From Biomass and Coal Burning: Development of an Optical Emission Inventory for China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 1879-1893, 2019.

Wang, Y., Chen, J., Wang, Q.*, Qin, Q.*, Ye, J., Han, Y., Li, L., Zhen, W., Zhi, Q., Zhang, Y., and Cao, J.*: Increased secondary aerosol contribution and possible processing on polluted winter days in China, Environment International, 127, 78-84, 2019.

Wang, Y., Wang, Q.*, Ye, J., Yan, M., Qin, Q.*, Prév?t, S. H. A., and Cao, J.*: A Review of Aerosol Chemical Composition and Sources in Representative Regions of China during Wintertime, Atmosphere, 10, 10.3390/atmos10050277, 2019.

Zhou, B., Wang, Q.*, Zhou, Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, G., Fang, N., Li, M., and Cao, J.: Seasonal Characteristics of Black Carbon Aerosol and its Potential Source Regions in Baoji, China, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18, 397-406, 2018.

Zhou, Y., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Wang, M., Tian, J., Zhu, C., Huang, R., Zhang, Q., Zhang, T., Zhou, J., Dai, W., and Cao, J.*: Exploring the impact of chemical composition on aerosol light extinction during winter in a heavily polluted urban area of China, Journal of Environmental Management, 247, 766-775, 2019.

中国科学院地球环境研究所 版权所有:中国科学院地球环境研究所 单位邮编:710061
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